Wednesday, 29 March 2017

All ABOARD 2017

Next week from Monday 03rd - Friday 7th of April 2017 there will be National and Regional events designed to build confidence on digital skills for learning. 
These are free events open to Staff and Students. 
This is part of a National initiative running in third level institutions, see All aboard 2017.

D.I.T will host a series of events across 6 sites over the week in collaboration with D.I.T Library Services and D.I.T LTTC and is funded by the National forum for the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education. 

These events are all about digital life, digital literacy and digital skills- check out D.IT. scheduled events below and book here 

Professor Brian O' Neill , Director of Research at D.I.T leads the Grangegorman event on Tuesday 04th of April 7pm - 8pm titled 'Irish Kids online:What are they doing? Are they safe? 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

First, there were publications, now there is data!

Datasets are becoming an integral part of the scholarly publication process. This is being promoted by Funders who want to maximise the potential of their investment but also by the European Commission who want to see datasets visible and capable of being shared. The objective is to ensure that no one is re-inventing the wheel and that datasets can find new applications beyond the original vision of the initial researchers. 

Datasets, both internally within DIT and externally, are now as important an output as the publications and are equally capable of being cited.  High quality datasets require a data management plan and more information on that is available here. 

There is now a DATA REPOSITORY on Arrow where datasets can be uploaded in the normal way. It is accepted that not all datasets can be open access and sharable but even when not available, they should be at least findable. Therefore, information about the dataset can be uploaded as long as the dataset owner agrees that they can be contacted about the material. 

This is a pilot programme and your participation would be greatly appreciated. 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

BEALTAINE FESTIVAL -celebrating creativity as we age

Bealtaine is the national arts festival celebrating creativity as we age. 

Each year, Age & Opportunity invites local authorities, arts centres, libraries, Active Retirement groups, care settings, community groups and clubs, associations from every part of the country to run Bealtaine events that celebrate creativity in older age.

Registration for online listings  

until 31st March 2017. 

Join over 120,000 people all over Ireland, taking part in events involving music, art, dance, cinema, writing, theatre, heritage and more. 

Check it out on